
Role of inter-specific ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity for forest ecosystem nutrition

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In phase 1 of this project (performed by A. Zaviscic 2013 – 2016) the taxonomic diversity of EMF along a phosphorus (P) gradient was described. We plan to investigate the impact of vertical soil P gradients on the stratification of ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities, their functions with regard to P uptake and host P supply. Preliminary work suggests that carbon (C) allocation may be important for EMF activities. We will therefore conduct a girdling experiment to test the impact of an interrupted C allocation on the EMF communities and P uptake. Further it was shown that constraints on photosynthetic activities imposed by low P availability were relieved by P fertilization. Therefore, we will test the impact of N and P additions on the EMF communities and their functions. First results of real-time imaging showed a strong divergence of EMF taxa for P acquisition and will be continued in the second phase of the project.







Principal Investigators: 


Prof. Dr. Andrea Polle
Forest Botany and Tree Physiology
Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen

Tel.: (+49) 551 39 33480



PhD students:


Simon Clausing

Forest Botany and Tree Physiology
Büsgenweg 2
37077 Göttingen

Tel.: (+49) 551 39 9746

Study sites


Bad Brückenau (BBR)

Lüss (LUE)

Mitterfels (MIT)




Funded by


DFG Logo schwarz



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