Closing conference: "Ecosystem Nutrition 2021"
New Approaches to Ecosystem NutritionPhosphorus and Beyond |
October 25 - 28, 2021 in Freiburg (Germany)
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The ecological paradigm of the ‘whole being more than the sum of its parts’ is widely accepted as one of the most fascinating properties of ecosystems. Yet the emergence of nutrient dynamics within ecosystems is rarely addressed.
Join us for the second “Ecosystem Nutrition” conference, the closing event of the DFG Priority Program SPP 1685 which has a special focus on the phosphorus nutrition of forest ecosystems.
The goal of the conference is to broaden approaches of plant nutrition to explore nutrient related processes at the scale of ecosystems.
During the conference we will link key findings from SPP 1685 to studies addressing also other nutrients (e.g., nitrogen and potassium).
Contributions on the processes of ecosystem nutrition, on methodological innovations, new experimental approaches, methods and concepts are highly appreciated.
Contributions on the processes of ecosystem nutrition, on methodological innovations, new experimental approaches, methods and concepts are highly appreciated.
The official language of the conference is English.
Deadline for abstract submission: July 15, 2021.
Notificationof acpetance: August 30, 2021.
You can downlaod the abstract template here.
Please send your abstracts (in English) to indicating the preferred form of presentation (oral/poster).
Preliminary Programme
Monday, October 25, 2021
11:30 Registration open
13:00 Plenary Session
19:00 Get-Together (in cooperation with Vinery Trautwein)
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
8:30 Plenary Session
18:30 Conference Dinner (Restaurant Waldsee)
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
8:30 Plenary Session
15:30 End of the conference
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Optional field trip to Black Forest and one of the study sites of SPP 1685.
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Conefrence fee
The conference fee is 250 € (includes lunch, dinner, and coffee breaks). Accommodation costs are not included.
A contingent of centrally located hotel rooms has already been reserved. You will receive further information as soon as you have registered.
For participants of SPP 1685 the confreence fee as well as accommodation costs will be covered by the coordination project.
Registration will open April 15, 2021.
Please register until September 15, 2021 here.
Please express whether you intend to participate in the optinal field trip.
Freiburg is located in Southwestern Germany close to the Black Forest, and is one of the traditional hotspots of forest science.
University of Freiburg -„Paulussaal“
Dreisamstraße 3 79098 Freiburg