
Spatial heterogeneity of phosphorus concentration and P speciation in German forest soils

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In this project, we will investigate the spatial heterogeneity of soil phosphorus (concentration of total P, P speciation) in soils with different P status with modern analytical (synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy) and geostatistical methods at different scales (soil aggregates: (sub)micron to mm scale; particular regions of soil profiles [e.g. root channels, surrounding of stones]: mm to dm scale; entire soil profiles: dm to m scale; selected patches of the forest stand: m to 5m scale). We expect that our results will provide new insights about spatial heterogeneity patterns of soil P concentration and P speciation in forest soils and their relevance for P availability and P nutritional status of Norway spruce and European beech.

For further information, see:
Chair of Soil Science - TU München




Principal investigators: 

Prof. Dr. Jörg Prietzel
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde
Emil-Rahmann-Straße 2
85354 Freising
Tel.: (+49)  8161 71 4734

Prof. Dr. Sandra Spielvogel
Universität Koblenz-Landau
Universitätsstraße 1
56070 Koblenz
Tel: (+49) 261 287 2276

PhD student:

Florian Werner
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde
Emil-Rahmann-Straße 2
85354 Freising
Tel.: (+49) 8161 71 5381

Study sites


Bad Brückenau (BBR)

Conventwald (CON)

Lüss (LUE)

Mitterfels (MIT)


Funded by

DFG Logo schwarz




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